Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Hey guys, its been ages. ugh blog posts are difficult. i have a zillion thoughts but i cant get on my computer and write. Its almost the end of September!! Where did the year go? 3 months and its hello 2014. its 6months since i lost someone special. its hard, its really hard i swear. How time flies. I may still cry like a baby, miss her like crazy, think about her everyday and i know all of our good thoughts have accompanied my grandmother on the next phase of her journey. So, im on holiday....just taking a break from stuff. you know the "i need a break from this break". Yeah!! i think my head is clearer although im freezing in this state lol. Trust me I already know what i want for christmas and watch out guys......ill be on your screens preety soon. Talk soon X

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Cyber Bullying

Yes! I have been bullied a couple of times and possibly cyber stalked.
"Current research in this field defines cyber bullying as "an aggressive intentional act or behaviour that is carried out by a group or an individual repeatedly and overtime against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself "(Smith & Slonje 2007, p. 249)". (Wikipedia)

It is only natural that I felt embarrassed and intimidated. I didn't understand why this faceless person would want to say all those mean things to intentionally hurt me. I could have retorted but I decide to ignore it and get help instead. If this delusional human had all the time in the world to come up with mean things to say to me then okay. I will not hurl curses back. You don't expect me to run around like a headless chicken because you've failed at your own life and you're trying to cause others to feel inferior.

I take a stand against bullying in every form, whether on the internet or physically. Bullying causes you to have a lower self-esteem, distrust of people, disillusionment, loneliness and in more extreme cases, Suicide.

Never have thoughts of suicide because an envious person wants you to feel bad about yourself. You are so much better than they are. They're the ones with a problem not YOU!! My first experience in my early teens, I cried a lot, I didn't want to go back to school, I was scared and a lot of people said so many untruths about me. I still went through school stronger. Then months ago, I get cyber-bullied. I don't respond. Just so I don't want him/her to prey on someone weaker, I get him kicked off the web. I will blame myself if some poor child commits suicide just because a moron does not know what is right nor when to stop. THIS IS ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR.

Don't just stand by-Stand up! Always promote kindness. Don't get the "Its not my problem" attitude. It is your problem and it could happen to anyone at anytime. Show love. Take a stand against bullies/cyber-bullying and be safe out there.

Ekababy Xoxoxoxoxoxo

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Feathered friends

I just felt like writing something on birds. I don't know a lot about them though. I just saw this brightly coloured one months back. It was pretty. Maybe I should start studying birds and probably have a bird book. I am fascinated by parrots but I think I like doves the best. I wish I could have one of every kind as pets. Beautiful creations just like you beautiful people.


Sunday, 31 March 2013

Tribute To M.A Ukpeh

Death, I'll never know what it is, I'll never understand it. I may spend all my years on earth trying to figure out why people have to lose their loved ones.
Grandma, I must have known that someday I would have to write this eulogy. I didn't think it would be this difficult. There are so many things to say but I don't know how to say them. I suddenly feel like I have writers block.
Perhaps, I thought you would live forever. The stark reality that I will never see you again in this world. I will never again say to my parents '' Nka Mbonu'' or to my cousins ''Are you coming to Mbonu?'' There will be no Mbonu to go to. It will be quite lonely without you. I can't even imagine passing on your street knowing I can not stop by because you don't live there anymore.
Everyday I have spent with you since we were babies has always been a privilege.
My Grandmother, Beautiful, Organized, Unique, Helpful, Loving, Kind, Funny,Smart, Stately, always the first to call me on my birthday. I am proud to show you off to my friends. Did I mention GORGEOUS?
Your courage and strength leaves a legacy of inspiration to all. I am inspired by the life you lived and the example you have set for us all.
NO, you are not dead, you just passed on from my world to a nicer place.Of course, I will see you again.
Thank you for all the love.
Forever in my heart,

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Tribute to Professor Chinua Achebe

A few days after you're gone, your name is on everyone's lips. I see your pictures everywhere, in papers, magazines, on the internet. Everybody has a story or something to say about you. I can only say that you were a great African voice, inspiring many generations across the continent. I remember reading 'Chike and the River' and 'Things Fall Apart' at about age 12. I liked those books. I do wish I could have had the honour of meeting you. You are indeed a legend, Rest in Peace Sir.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Angels and Fairies

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we humans could see fairies or beings? Would you be scared if you saw one? Do you think they exist? I remember lying in bed one night and this really bright light flashed across my face several times. I couldn't think what it was. I could only wonder if there was an angel there or something. I do believe fairies exist and probably show themselves to the innocent like babies or animals. One time I tried to be real quiet and calm just to see if one would show up but I panicked. I don't think I could deal with seeing one. I would be too scared. My little cousin says she can see them and I do believe her! Do tell me when and if you see one.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

*sigh* Its been ages!!!! I'm sorry guys, I've been so busy and I haven't come up with anything creative just yet. We're already 3 months into the year. I think March is my favourite month, dunno why. I should try and be here more often. I do hope y'all haven't forgotten your resolutions. I didn't make any, trying to live one day at a time and be good to everyone. Say hello to a child today and share a smile :) Remain Fabulous xoxoxo                                                                           

Thursday, 7 February 2013


Have you ever wondered what dying felt like? Or what happens after death? Is there really a tunnel? A few months back while in the hospital, the lady in the bed opposite mine died. It felt weird and I admit, I was terrified. It left me thinking. Too many questions. Is death only the beginning? Is there life after death? If there is, what would it be like? What are your thoughts?

Friday, 25 January 2013

Thinking beyond the box

Hey y'all, I trust you're having a great weekend. I just thought to tell you that you don't always have to go with the crowd. Thinking beyond the box involves looking further and beyond the obvious,creative thinking on your part and generally being different. Go out and do something new today :) XoXo

Thursday, 24 January 2013

First day

Hey guys, I decided to start a blog. This would be mainly about my thoughts/feelings. Sort of like an internet diary. Happy reading!! :)